New Mexico U.S. Congressional District 2 Survey

Tell us what matters most for you as a resident of the 2nd Congressional District

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Take the Survey
1. If the election for New Mexico U.S. Congressional District 2 were held today, who would you be most likely to support?  (required)

2. In your opinion, what’s the most critical issue facing New Mexico families?  (required)

3. Most New Mexicans cite the rising cost of groceries, gas, and everyday expenses as the biggest issue in the economy right now. Congressman Gabe Vasquez has voted in lockstep with President Biden and his economic plan, accounting for $6 trillion in new spending since he took office. If elected, Yvette Herrell would put a stop to reckless Washington spending and, as a result, keep more of your resources in your pockets and combat inflation. Knowing this, can we count on your support for Yvette Herrell? (Required)  (required)

4. President Biden’s border crisis affects the public safety of every New Mexican, regardless of our proximity to the southern border. Yvette Herrell will fight to protect our borders while also ensuring that we have an immigration system that protects honest people looking to migrate to the United States. Knowing this, can we count on your vote for Yvette Herrell?  (required)

5. Will you help us elect Yvette Herrell to Congressional District 2? (Required)  (required)

6. What are you willing to do to help?  (required)